How often should you replace your sheets?

How often should you replace your sheets?

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In case you didn’t already know, the PeachSkinSheets team LOVES sleep and is passionate about helping you get the best possible rest at night (or during that lovable midday nap). We believe great sleep sets the foundation for a great mood, a great workout, a great playtime with your kids and a great life.

Great sleep starts with your bed and with making sure that all the elements that make up your bed are just right. It all starts with the foundation - your mattress. Experts say that you should replace your mattress at least every 8 years and with good reason; by that time your mattress will have clocked 20,000+ hours of use! Time well spent, we say. 

Next comes the pillows. Those should be replaced at least every 2 years - more often if you notice increased allergic reactions, skin breakouts, or neck pain. Folding that flat, sad pillow in half to try and get a little more comfy? Time to order a new, fluffy pillow or two.  

We see a lot of talk in sleep blogs and housekeeping magazines about the importance cycling through mattresses and pillows - but what about your bed sheets? Just like the other elements of your bed, our bed sheets are subject to a lot of wear and tear as we sleep, as well as in the laundry. So how often should we be replacing our sheets? 

A good rule of thumb is every 2-3 years but there are other considerations when it comes to deciding if you should start looking for a new set of sheets. 

  • Do your sheets show any pilling? 

  • Do your sheets have any holes? 

  • Can you see any frayed or thinning areas? 

  • Do you see any stains or yellowing? (It’s okay, we know what pets and kids do to a set of sheets!) 

  • Do your sheets feel scratchy or rough against your skin? 

  • Have you been experiencing any skin irritation or increased allergic reactions? 

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, it might be time for a new set of sheets! Solid sheets are one of the foundations of great sleep, so a new set will ensure you feel more comfortable, serene, and help set you up for a great night’s sleep. Plus, it’s a great excuse to mix up the color scheme or decor of your bedroom!

PeachSkinSheets carries the ultimate in affordable luxury sheets, duvet covers and, oversized comforters. With our anti-pilling technology, legendary softness, and cooling technology,  PeachSkinSheets help you create your bedtime sanctuary. Learn more about our fabric here and be sure to follow our laundry instructions to prolong the life of your new sheets.