Going Crazy - 6 Easy Steps to Fold a Fitted Sheet Fast
If you are even remotely human, you’ve probably tried and failed to fold a fitted sheet.
Every. Single. Time.
Neatly folding a fitted sheet is one of the great mysteries of adulting, and you’ll probably find most people will confess they have no idea how to do it properly. We’d also be willing to bet that Martha Stewart would have a heart attack if she saw the average person’s linen closet. The closet that is the sad result of our battle with fitted sheets balled up and hiding behind our oh-so-easy-to-fold top sheets and pillowcases.
The biggest downside of not being able to neatly fold fitted sheets is that even for our wrinkle-free PeachSkinSheets, they can still take up a lot of useful space the linen cabinet.
We searched high and low for a technique to fold a fitted sheet that is quick, easy, and will keep your linen closets clean and organized. Here’s our solution:
- Take the fitted sheet and drape it over your hands. With one hand in each corner of one side of the sheet, and with the elastic facing you - bring your right hand over to your left hand.
- Push the right corner inside the left corner, forming a pocket.
- Rotate the sheet to the right, and put your right hand in the pocket you just created. Pick up the other two corners of the sheet and create the same kind of pocket with those corners, so you are now holding a folded sheet in front of you - with the bottom corners tucked into the top corners.
- Lay your sheet flat on a surface like your bed, maintaining the corner pockets. There should be a natural fold forming along the top and sides. Straighten these edges so they lie flat and evenly.
- Take one side of the sheet and make a perpendicular fold to the one you already have, maintaining the flattened sides, so now the sheet is folded in quarters, keeping all the corners on the inside.
- Now that you’ve got the pesky elastic corners out of the way, you can make smooth and straight folds. Depending on the size of your sheets, you might need to adjust accordingly, but you will most likely be able to fold again in the same direction you just did, and then in thirds down the middle.
Source: http://theconcourse.deadspin.com
One final trick for when you have a nice, neat folded fitted sheet. Place your top sheet and fitted sheet together, fold up all but one pillow case, and then place everything in that remaining pillowcase. This will make your linen closet look neat and organized, and make it easy to grab a set of sheets for the next time you need to make the bed.
These simple steps are sure to turn Martha Stewart’s nightmare linen closet into a Pinterest-worthy dream.